Connect Gemstone

The School

The Scientifically developed pedagogy across the subject here comprises of three stages is each unit

Our Curriculum

Refining Talents

By Generating curiosity, making it enjoyable and then focusing towards their development by interactive and technological methods, we seek to discover and bring out the best in each child by refining his or her talents and intrests.

We are passion builders

Our Curriculum is based on engaged learning-engaging minds to observe, analyze and to learn. New age revolution is also an appealing part of our strategies. Usage of the Apple digital tools to facilitate learning and generating curiosity by fun filled activities make mind more active and help learn the simplest to thoughest equation with an ease. We create a Space where the minds get free imagination.

Future based learning

We link all the subject of curriculum with the theme based program. Each lesson has interactive activities and excercises on ipad given to the students. ipad give a different perspective to each lesson and engage the students in it. Theme based learning combined with ipad technology will lead students to experimental learning. We will bring students to the practical learning platform. We make every day school work intresting and amazing. Different topics connected to single theme that's what our motto is, to provide a curriculum which is interactive and exciting to make learning practical.


Curiosity is an aspect of intrinsic motivation that has enormous potential to enrich student learning.We let student free to catch the new height, don't limit their possibilities to fly high. Nurture them to produce their own answer for question.


After generating curiosity, we make learning process enjoyable for them. Interactive sessions for knowledge quest with technology, make them friendly with outer world, explore, learn and communication with environment.

Science Corner and Scientific Temperament

Science Corner - Every week a video is posted of the students about an experiment mentioning the importance of Science in day to day life. Scientific Temperament - refers to an individual's attitude of logical and rational thinking. The students considered to have scientific temper if employs A scientific menthod of decision-making in everyday life.

Sport Clubs

Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic.

Every Child is different but right education tends to focus on it.